«Don't you see? Metlar plans to destroy you too when the elemental core blows. Don't be a fool D'Compose --- Metlar doesn't need you!» - Sandra Shore

"The Evil Eye" Gallery (1/5)

A very upset Metlar who just got some very bad news. Metlar is definetly not pleased about the situation. Tendril using his shadowplay skills to explain the situation. Metlar roars and curses being really pissed off.

And another picture of Tendril as he tries to explain the situation to Metlar. Metlar needs to blow off some steam. Blackthorne and Nightcrawler watching their newest ally ... ... the Inhumanoid Gagoyle - a non-stop eating machine!

An equal partnership with Blackthorne isn't what ... ... Nightcrawler, formerly Dr. Manglar, had in mind. So the Gagoyle can lookforward to a new snack ... ... Blackthorne Shore who was thrown into the monster's pit.

Let me out of here! (Mommy!) The always hungry Gagoyle and the most stupid looking Inhumanoid. Nightcrawler triumphs as he dictates the terms. Herc Armstrong succesfully uncovered the Earth Corps only telephone.

It's Dr. Andresen calling with important information. If only the Earth Corps office wasn't also the garage and repair shop. But Herc Armstrong is all ears. As Dr. Andresen has an intersting story to tell.