«I'm free! And shall be forever!» - Metlar

"The Evil Eye" Gallery (2/5)

Curious as always Dr. Bright and Liquidator have to listen in. Years ago Dr. Andresen hired for an expedition by another man. This man possessed a most unique artefact ... a stone compass with a hand that wasn't pointing north.

But then they run into a tribe of natives ... ... who used primitive but effictive ways ... ... to capture the two explorers. And now we all know how Blackthorne lost his eye.

While Blackthorne escaped in the dark of the night, Dr. Andresen ... ... was able to save the chieftan of the tribe from illness ... ... and became their medicine man and stayed until recently. Coming home Dr. Andresen discovered that Blackthorne was at large.

So the Doctor thought it was best to call Earth Corps. Blackthorne and Nightcrawler are taking a large truck ... to transport the Gagoyle to the Big Sur National Park. The huge, bulky monster obediently accompanies his master.

Gagoyle starts to eat the defenseless trees. Much to the dislike of the Redwoods, especially Red Sun is eager to stop the beast. So the Redwoods attack with all they have got.